Hate Speech // Cybermobbing

What you should know:

Hate Speech // Cybermobbing

  • They should have a basic understanding of what is meant by various outgrowths of "disturbed" communication such as Hate Speech and Cyberbullying.
  • You should be familiar with the various definitions of hate speech and cyberbullying in the literature.
  • Specifically, they should become familiar with the concept of online disinhibition effects and factors that promote them.
    • Chapter Hate Speech // Definition in the Communication & Collaboration Module
  • Specifically, you should familiarize yourself with the terms "strategically acting groups," social bots, and trolls.
    • Chapter Hate Speech // Definition in the Communication & Collaboration Module
  • They should know how haters argue and how this affects victims and society.
  • They should be able to point out to participants reporting options for reporting Hate Speech on various social media/apps/websites.
  • They should be able to draw attention to the legal situation of victims in relation to Hate Speech and Cyberbullying.
    • CUMILA Wiki Exercise c2L04 Protecting against and dealing with bullies.

Read the corresponding chapters in the module and, if necessary, work out the mentioned exercises yourself or prepare them for your lessons.

Last modified: Monday, 6 September 2021, 5:59 PM