About the topic "Learning"

The digital transformation is significantly accelerating the development of new knowledge and new technologies. Therefore, adapting to change and learning new things will be a core competence in the digital age. 

Many parents and teachers grew up in a time when knowledge production did not have this enormous speed. Many of them were able to learn a profession and do it for a long time without having to adapt to change on a large scale. Therefore, it is often a great challenge for adults to prepare their children for the new challenges, as they themselves are often not yet prepared for this new situation. 

For the students in your course, it is important to take away 3 things from this topic:

  • The digital age confronts us with rapid changes, both in our personal and professional lives.
  • The best way to adapt to this dynamic is to "learn how to learn."
  • Digital media offer a variety of teaching and learning opportunities that facilitate learning.
Accepting that change is a key feature of the digital age is perhaps the biggest challenge, as most people prefer stability and security much more than change and uncertain prospects. Nevertheless, we will have to live with these conditions for a long time. Adults should therefore prepare for this situation and prepare their children for it as well. 

After all, in addition to the challenges, digital media also offer us a great deal of new teaching and learning opportunities to help us cope with the new situation.

The chapter on learning covers the following topics:

If you already feel well informed about the topic, you can continue with the knowledge test in the next step. Otherwise, work through the "Learning" chapter in the Module 6 handbook.