Parallel realities and conspiracy theories

What you should know: 

Parallel realities and conspiracy theories

  • You should know and be able to explain the classification of the terms conspiracy myth, conspiracy narrative and conspiracy ideology.
  • They should be able to describe to the participants why conspiracy narratives are so successful.
  • They should be able to answer and elaborate on the following questions: 
    • How can I protect myself and others from conspiracy narratives?
    • How can I help a concerned friend or family member?

 Conspiracy myth Superordinate myth, abstract narrative Jewish World Conspiracy
Conspiracy narrativeConcrete narrative or assumption that often feeds on the more abstract conspiracy myth.Conspiracy narratives about Illuminati, Bilderbergers or George Soros
Conspiracy ideology / mentalityGeneralised prejudice structure towards persons and groups perceived as powerful."They do what they want up there".

Source: Lamberty, P. (2020): Verschwörungserzählungen, Infoaktuell - Federal Agency for Civic Education.

Information on this: 

  • Chapter 3.2 Parallel realities and conspiracy theories in the module Information search & opinion formation.

Further sources of information can be: 

  • Chapter 1.3 Verification of information from the internet in the module Information Search & Opinion Formation.
  • Chapter 2.2.6 Social Credit Systems in the module Security, Privacy and Data Protection
  • Chapter 2.2.9 Example "Cambridge Analytica": Creation of personality images in the module Security, Privacy and Data Protection
  • Chapter 3.5 Algorithms in the module Technology

Read the relevant chapters in the module and, if necessary, work on the exercises mentioned yourself or prepare them for your lessons.