Step3: The curriculum

Elaboration of the individual curriculum

There is an individual syllabus for each CUMILA module. 

This syllabus serves as an aid in setting up your own courses. The CUMILA syllabus can also be implemented 1:1, but in most cases you will not have the necessary teaching time to do so. In this case, the CUMILA syllabus serves as a suggestion. 

  1. Read the CUMILA syllabus and familiarise yourself with the structure. 
  2. Write down the parts of the exercise that are most important to them. Compare the teaching units listed in the syllabus that are necessary for the work and compare them with the teaching units available to you.
  3. If you have less time than the syllabus allows: Prioritise! Think about which units can be done as homework or which units you can do without if necessary. 
  4. Finally, draw up your own plan for your lessons.