About the topic "Age-appropriate Media Usage"

Since children are very different in their development and personalities, and the educational goals of families also vary greatly, it is difficult to make generally applicable recommendations as to which digital media offerings are suitable. Parents play an important role when it comes to closely accompanying their children in their use of digital media and checking whether the offerings are suitable for them or not.  

In this lesson, various aspects of digital media consumption are presented in order to help adults to guide children in the digital world:

  • Helping adults understand the fascination of digital media 
  • Guidance on how to assess whether media consumption is good for a child or not 
  • Pointing out ways to find a good level of media consumption 
  • Educational and technical tips on how to limit media consumption
  • Consideration of which age group has which needs and which offerings are appropriate

The chapter on age-appropriate media usage covers the following topics:

If you already feel well informed about the topic, you can continue with the knowledge test in the next step. Otherwise, work through the chapter "Age-appropriate Media Usage" in the handbook of Module 6

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 August 2021, 7:27 PM